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In 2024 Italy and the whole world will be called to celebrate an important anniversary linked to the figure of Giacomo Puccini:



the hundredth anniversary of the death of the composer, one of the greatest of all time.




The 100th anniversary of Giacomo Puccini’s death represents an opportunity to commemorate and retrace the life and career of one of the greatest Italian composers in history.


Even today, his works continue to be performed on the most prestigious stages in the world, celebrating the extraordinary artistic value of his compositions.


Puccini is unanimously recognized for his extraordinary skill in creating intense and dramatic operas, captivating spectators with the beauty of his melodies and harmonies.


The valorisation of the musical richness also of his lesser known works, of the works of his musical beginnings, of the critical revision that is being implemented towards his complete work, of the places of his life and study experience, of the formative aspects connected to the technique and aesthetics of his work, all these aspects of enhancement constitute the objectives of the Promoting Committee of the Puccini Celebrations.

The Maestro’s music never ceases to make entire generations of enthusiasts dream and his musical legacy will remain an immortal contribution to the art of opera.

fromJune 29, 2024toSeptember 29, 2024
  The largest event in the world on Paper Art, Paper Design and Paper Architecture.      ...
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